Ash Class (Reception)

Our Vision – Halton St. Wilfrid's Primary School

Ash, foliage, leaf, leaves, spear, tree icon - Download on IconfinderHi everyone, welcome to Ash Class! 

Ash Class is made up of 19 Reception children, there are currently 28 Reception children in total and we work as a unit with Willow Class, meaning we have lots of lovely space to learn in. The class teacher is Mrs Long and the class teaching assistants are Mrs Ward and Mrs Lapworth; Mrs Milner also teaches the children on a Friday morning.

This is our second year of following the new curriculum and everything the children do is geared towards helping them meet these objectives. There is lots of focus on speaking and exploring new language. We are working on numbers to 10, really exploring and getting to know them. The children are also learning to subitise (a new concept meaning that they can recognise amounts without having to count them) In phonics we will be using the Pearson phonics scheme to help us learn new sounds and practise blending them. Click on the following links to find games which the children might enjoy playing on.

Click here to go to- phonics play

Click here to visit- Top marks

In P.E. our sessions are focused around the children becoming secure in 5 early fundamental movement skills these include running fast, hopping, jumping for distance, throwing underarm and overarm and finally catching. Once we have practised these skills in P.E. the children have lots of opportunities to continue practising them in their playful learning. Click on the following link to see our P.E. learning intent throughout school from Early Years to Y6.PE-Intent-

Once of my best memories when I was a little girl was playing catch with my Dad, he taught me to throw the ball against the wall. Why not get the children to see how many they can do without dropping it! 

Forest School and outdoor learning

We are so lucky to have the most beautiful grounds and love to make good use of them. We believe that children should be enjoying the outdoors and be physically active as much as possible. 

The National trust have come up with a wonderful list of 50 things to do before you are 11 and 3/4. Click below to have a look at some of these fantastic outdoor activities to enjoy together from the National Trust. Why not see how many you can tick off at the weekends.–activity-list

You won’t be able to do all of these activities but see how many you could could have a go at. After all you’re only 4/5, you have plenty of time to finish them off!

Extra Challenges

Choose one of the cbeebies stories to listen to using the link below then:

  1. Pause the story half way through and predict what might happen next.

     2. Who is your favourite character and why?

     3. Where was the story set?

     4. Recap what has happened in the story, which was your favourite part?



R.E.“Let everything you do be done in love”

Image result for baby Jesus

Illustration of a brown cross : Free Stock Photo


In Maths we are continuing to focus on numbers to 10, counting in different styles and working out simple addition and subtraction problems. Click on the link to play some fun Maths games which will help you.

Number Animals