Beech Class (Year 3)

Autumn Term

Welcome to all the new pupils of Beech Class and to the wonderfully supportive parents and carers. I am sure we will enjoy a fantastic and interesting year together. I will be teaching you everything this term except R.E. & Music which will be taught by Mrs Pilkington on a Tuesday morning. Mrs Taylor will be our class Teaching Assistant this year and she will be with us every day.

There is an expectation in Year 3 that children complete 1 homework task per week. This will be set every Friday and is expected to be returned the following Friday. Initially these tasks will all be set on paper so please keep an eye out in your child’s book bag for these tasks at the end of each week. In addition, I ask that children are given the opportunity to read as much and as frequently as possible at home. Please record home-reading in their reading records and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. This can be done via Class Dojo.

There is loads to fit in this term and below you will find a brief outline of what we will be covering in each subject area. I look forward to everything we will experience together this year!
Mr Stamp


We are reading ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit. The story follows a Roman boy called Tranio who experiences a day he will never forget. The children will be building up to writing a diary entry as Tranio, chronicling the many events of this unforgettable day in his life. This text links perfectly to our work in Geography (see below).

Children will be given weekly spellings to learn at home and in school. These will be tested in class every Friday.




This term the children will be working on units including Place Value, Addition & Subtraction and Multiplication & Division.




Times Tables Rockstars is a fantastic resource for Year 3 children in particular who are eager to improve their recall of multiplication facts. Children can log in at home using their login details at the following link:



Edison Light Bulb (A19) - Scumble Goosie

Our area of study this half term in Science is Light. They will learn about different sources of light, and that we need light to see. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate reflective materials, in the context of designing a new book bag. They will learn that the sun’s light can be dangerous and will create an advert for a pair of sunglasses or a sun hat that they have designed. The children will have chance to test which objects are opaque in an investigation to design the most effective curtains and will find out how shadows change when the distance between the object and light source changes. They will develop their scientific enquiry skills, making observations, predictions, and conclusions.


Our focus in R.E. this half term is ‘Called By God’. We will also be looking closely at Harvest and putting together a special assembly around this.


We are very lucky in Year 3 to have weekly swimming lessons. These take place every Thursday and myself and Mrs Taylor will take the children to Carnforth Pool. Please ensure the children come with relevant swimming costume and towel on Thursday’s. Our first lesson is Thursday 15th September. In our other unit of P.E. work we will be looking at our running and athletic skills.


We will be studying Volcanoes & Earthquakes this half term. This unit will teach the class about the destructive powers of natures, with particular focus on volcanoes and earthquakes. Through discussion and practical tasks, children will learn about how and why these phenomena occur, and the ways in which they effect people and the environment.


We will be studying the ways in which we can all keep safe online. Children will design Internet Safety posters using their acquired knowledge. As a reminder to all, please remember that if you are completing any searches online to use ‘children’, ‘child’ or ‘kids’ in your search to ensure any adult or unsuitable content is filtered out. We would always urge parents to carefully monitor what their child is accessing online.