Cherry Class (Year 1/2)

Hello and welcome to Cherry Class!Image result for cherry clip art

Cherry class is a class consisting of 26 amazing children! Our class teacher is Miss Dawson and we have Mrs Milburn and Mrs Marsden as our teaching assistants. As well as this, Mrs Pilkington teaches us on a Tuesday afternoon. Our PE day is Thursday and is a great opportunity to blow off the cobwebs, learn new skills, feel good about ourselves and be healthy!

We will be working hard this half term to continue developing a Growth Mindset which means that we always try our best. We will try not to say ‘ I can’t do it’ but ‘I can’t do it YET!’ 

We will also be focusing on our Christian Values – Patience and Tolerance, which are linked to our class rules and makes us consider how we can work well together as a team.      

If you have ay questions at all the please feel free to contact me. I can be contacted via the school office or through class dojo.

I will aim to respond as soon as possible but please do allow up to 48 hours for a response to non-urgent enquiries. Alternatively, you can arrange an appointment with me by contacting myself or the school office if there is something more urgent you would like to discuss.


Our curriculum!

Reading and phonics

We are going continue changing books regularly, so please remember to bring in your book bags. Reading at home really supports learning in school, so please try to read as much as possible at home. We will be revisiting some of the phonics we learnt last year, to bridge any gaps in learning or lost learning over the holidays! The sounds we are learning will be seen in the reading books we send home, to ensure the children can use and apply their phonics skills. 



This term we are going to be looking at stories from the Katie Morag series! We will be identifying key events in the stories and creating storyboards, writing instructions and creating letters throughout the half term. We will be starting to build up or grammar, punctuation and spelling to include in our writing. 

Katie Morag's Island Stories (Katie Morag, 8) : Hedderwick, Mairi: Books


In Maths, we will be working on our Place Value skills. The children will learn to recognise, partition and use number in a variety of ways. We will also start to look at some new maths vocabulary, different resources and how we can use these in our lessons and maths continuous provision station. 



Our topic for Science this half term is materials. We will be learning about different everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal and rock. We will be looking at different objects, describing their properties and identifying which material/s are used to make them.  



In computing the children will be continue learning how to stay safe online. The children will also be expanding their knowledge of how to research and find information online using ICT.



We will be learning about The Bible and what makes it so special to us. We will also be learning about other Holy books from other faiths. 



In Geography we will be using and developing our map skills, using globes and atlases to locate islands all over the world. We will explore the different geographical features of these places while developing our locational knowledge. 



The children are learning fundamental movement skills, which include running and jumping and throwing and catching. 



We will be linking our D&T topic this half term, with our Science. They will be using different colouring and joining techniques to create their very own rainbow fish. 



In Art we will be looking at Scottish landscapes. The children will explore the work of Richie Collins and Andy Peutherer, identifying techniques and features within their art. The children will be using different forms to create their own artwork, inspired by these artists. 



The children will be learning about ‘Living in the wider world – Rules and Responsibilities’.


Reflection and Well-Being

I am leaving the link below so that you can have access to help you address worries that have come up due to the pandemic. Please choose what suits your child and situation.



Online Safety

Please stay safe and happy. There are links at the bottom of the page about keeping safe online and children please remember what KS says in school.

Useful Websites

Please click the links below for useful phonic sound mats.

Phase 1 Alphabet Mat Phase 2 Sound Mat Phase 3 Sound Mat Phase 4 Sound Mats Phase 5 Sound Mat

Please click below to find the high frequency words for each phonics phase.

t-l-90101-phase-2-to-5-high-frequency-words-word-mat-_ver_4 – There are free phonics games on this website


Maths games –

Topmarks: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help – Maths games and information


Topic – Topic videos and information


Exercise and fun –


Internet Safety