Chestnut Class (Year 2)

Hello and welcome to Chestnut Class.

Chestnut is a class of Year Two children who are taught by Mrs Rowe and Mrs Towers, and supported by Mrs Sherrington. It has been lovely to welcome such a super group of children into the class and we are looking forward to an exciting year.

Please can all the children bring in their reading books daily (even if they’ve not read or finished a book) as they regularly read in school. Children who have completed a book can change their reading books every day.

Spellings will be sent out via class Dojo and will after a lot of learning in class as well as at home, be tested on the following Friday.

We also learn our tables. This half term we are working on 2 and 10 times tables.

PE is on a Thursday and children can come into school in PE kit.


So our first topic of the year is called ‘An Island Home’. It is linked to the Katie Morag stories and is a lovely topic to start the year with.

In Literacy we will be looking at the Katie Morag stories. We will look at story sequence, setting and characters, before moving on to write our own versions. we will also be learning about instruction writing and poetry as well as linking our writing to geography and writing holiday brochures and posters for the Isle of Struay. In Grammar, we will learn about sentence types, noun phrases, list sentences and basic punctuation.

In Maths we will be focusing on place value, comparison of numbers and sequencing. We will also be learning our 2 and 10 times tables.

The focus in Science is Materials. We will learn about properties of materials and changing- both permanent and non-permanent.

In Geography, we will be developing our map and atlas skills by looking at the land and sea, symbols and grid references. We will identify both physical and human features.

In RE will be learning about the Bible and how it is a special book to Christians.

In Art we are learning about Scottish artists. We will be learning about the work of Richie Collins and then comparing with the different style of Andy Peutherer. see which one you prefer!

Please continue to use Dojo to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Angela Rowe and Caroline Towers