Love Learning Gallery

Year 4 have been working on electricity in their science work

Willow Class have been learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood

Year 1 have been working on their addition sums

Year 3 went on a fact hunt around school to find out about London.

Year 4 have been on a hunt around school to find out information for their Literacy work.

Reception children have been making moving vehicles in DT

Year 3 and 5 have been enjoying Rugby as part of their PE lessons


Year 3 made models of the world in their Geography lesson. They had to work in pairs to complete it.

Year 1 have been working on giving and following instructions.

Mrs Lakin has been working with some of the children to plant some beans. We were so pleased with how high they were growing!

Year 2 performed the music they had been working on to the whole school. They did a fantastic job!

Year 3 have been exploring reflective materials so they can make a bird scarer.

Young adventures club have been in the forest school making bogarts using clay.

We love having visitors in school. Rev. Susan came to talk to Willow and Ash class about getting ready for Christmas.

Willow class have been working on weaving activities to make a basket for Babushka.

Reception children have been exploring winter activities using the tuff trays.