Worship and Prayer

Worship at St Wilfrid’s

At St Wilfrid’s Christianity is at the heart of everything we do.

Children take part in worship everyday through assemblies, which are led by staff, our local vicars, special visitors and by the children.

In child-led worships, groups of children plan, create ICT presentations, choose songs, write prayers and deliver worships by themselves. This is great experience for them, helping to develop their confidence in public speaking and many other skills too.

Our School Prayer

Our school prayer reflects our school ethos.

Father God,

We ask your blessing on our school,
May we live here as one family,
Serving you in our own way but all united in love,
Teach us to be patient with one another and quick to forgive,
Show us how to rejoice in the success of others,
And help us work hard to the best of our ability,


Prayer Groups

Every week two separate prayer groups meet to pray for our school community. There is a staff prayer group and a parent prayer group.

St Wilfrid’s parents – you are very welcome to attend our school’s parent prayer group. It happens on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 2pm, except during the school holidays.