
Review for Sports Premium 2017.18St Wilfrid’s Sports

We have achieved the Gold Mark for the academic year 17-18. Well done St Wilfrid’s!


Welcome to our page dedicated to celebrating the fantastic sporting achievements of the children at St Wilfrid’s. Keep an eye out for updates on clubs and notifications of any upcoming events. As part of the Government’s funding initiative for school sports we are working on making our provision even more exciting in both curriculum time and after school.

Click here to see our Sports Funding Review 2013/14
Click here to see our Sports Funding Plan for 2014/15
Click here to see our Sports Funding Review for 2014/15
Click here to see our Sports Funding Plan for 2015/16
Click here to see our Sports Funding Review for 2015/16
Click here to see our Sports Funding Plan for 2016/17
Click here to see our Sports Funding Plan for 2017/17

Click here to see our Sports Funding Review for 2017/18

After School Clubs and Curriculum News

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Years 3 and 4 will be having football training with Morecambe football club on a Monday night 3:15-4:15.


Kids Fitness Zone

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A club for years 5 and 6 on a Wednesday and Y1 and 2 on a Thursday 3:15-4:15 focussing on helping children having lots of fun with exercise.



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Year 5 are going to be having coaching sessions with a specialist coach from Kirkby Lonsdale RUFC and Y4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend an after school club on Tuesday 3:15-4:15.

Little Boppers

See the source imageLittle boppers is a new dance club for Y1 and 2 3:15-4:15


Chance to ShineSee the source imageSt Wilfrid’s will be continuing our successful affiliation with the chance to shine programme this year and children will be benefitting from both curricular and extra curricular coaching.



Inclusion Games

Inclusion games will re-convene in the near future.



Cross Country

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Cross country club will be taking place on Monday lunchtimes for Y4, 5 and 6, with the Windermere competition quickly approaching.



Athletics League

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The children have just competed in our second meeting of the year, they are performing brilliantly. Watch this space for results.


Marathon Challenge

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This half term we are going to challenge the children to run  the distance of a marathon, they have as long as they need to complete the challenge and once they do they will receive a certificate and medal. This is a great way of keeping healthy and taking advantage of our brilliant track.



As an incentive for children to participate in extra curricular sports clubs, there will be an exciting raffle held at the end of Spring Term. Winners will receive great sports related prizes. The more clubs you’ve attended this year the more chance you have of winning. Let’s get active together!